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Bethlehem Tourism & Star

Bethlehem Star

Travel Agency Website

Case Details

Bethlehem Star Tours & Travel is a travel agency that’s based in the Holy Land. They provide ticketing, leisure packages, honeymoon packages, and hotel reservation services.

The company’s website was pretty basic and not search engine optimized. Its color theme didn’t match the company’s branding and the user experience was anything but user-friendly.

Client: Bethlehem Tourism & Star
Location: Palestine
Segment: Travel & Tourism

Our Solutions

We developed two versions of the website, one to handle the outgoing and the other to handle the incoming services. Users can easily switch between the two versions based on the type of service they need. The website also allows visitors to share offers directly on their social media accounts.


To make the website more user-friendly, we’ve redesigned it to be in line with the overall branding and provide users with information about different travel destinations, trip program details and other types of valuable information.

Bethlehem Star Website



The new design was in line with the brand identity and improved how people perceive the brand.


The website got more traffic and publicity as people were able to share offers directly to their social media profiles.


Splitting the site service into incoming and outgoing allowed visitors to find the service they are looking for much faster.


The sales generated by the website were boosted significantly.

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