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Choosing the Right Software Development Agency: 6 Practical Tips

Choosing the Right Software Development Agency: 6 Practical Tips
April 12, 2019 William Rizqallah
Choosing the Right Software Development Agency 6 Practical Tips

Choosing the Right Software Development Agency 6 Practical Tips

There are plenty of software development agencies out there. However, not all of them are right for your business needs. While a certain agency might have a great experience and work samples, it might not be the best choice for your project.

The reason for that is quite simple, which is the fact that no two projects are the same. If you want to ensure the success of your software development projects, you must put in the effort to choose the right agency. Once you get this task out of the way, the rest is easy.

The following tips will help you ensure that you work with the right software development agency.

1. Know What You Want

As easy as it may sound, not all client know what they want. In fact, some clients are completely clueless when it comes to what it is that they’re after. If you start a new project without knowing what a good outcome looks like, you’re less likely to succeed.

Before you hire an agency to turn your idea into a piece of software, you need to take the time to think about the intended results. Share on X No matter how good the agency that you’re hiring is, nobody knows your project better than you. So, make sure to clarify your vision and provide your developers with a proper brief that helps them deliver great results.

2. Check for Relevant Samples

No guarantees are better than relevant work samples. An agency might have worked on multiple complex projects. However, if they don’t have relevant samples, you’re still taking a risk by hiring them.

For example, if you’re looking for a system to manage and automate tasks in your hotel, your best bet is to hire an agency that has developed a hotel system before. In that case, you can look at the work they did and evaluate whether or not it’s the quality that you’re looking for. Also, having worked on a similar project, this agency might have some pretty useful insights to share.

3. Technology Stacks Matter

When it comes to work experience, having worked with the right technology stack is equally as important. An agency might have created a similar product to what you’re after. However, if they haven’t worked with the stack you want before, they’re probably a bad choice.

If you don’t have a specific technology stack in mind -which is pretty common, you can let the agency you’re considering suggest one. Share on X Having hands-on software development experience, the agency can advise you about different technology types, and the pros and cons of each development approach.

By doing so, you’re more likely to get a final product that’s technically sound. Since the agency has in-depth knowledge with the technology they’re suggesting, they know how the associated technical challenges, and can provide better advice.

4. Understand Software Development Models

Software development models are something that most people are unfamiliar with and yet, they are very important. The software development model that an agency uses will determine how you will work together.

Nowadays, most software development agencies work with an agile method called SCRUM. The development model of an agency organizes how things like development, deployment, and testing are carried out. Understanding how the agency you chose actually works will help you decide whether or not they’re the right match for your needs.

Since most startups require fast turnaround and constant modifications, an agile development model will work best if you’re a startup. Share on X

5. Request a Free Consultation

Before you make any financial commitment to an agency, you want to be sure that you’re a good fit. And that’s where the free consultation comes into play. While most agencies won’t provide free work samples, free consultations are widespread.

In the free consultation, you get to talk to someone from the agency about your project. You’ll explain the project, your needs, the expected outcomes and ask any questions you might have. The aim of this consultation is to determine whether or not the agency you’re considering is capable of delivering.

Sometimes, the project might not be suitable for an agency and they might turn you down. Since this evaluation happens during the free consultation, you won’t end up losing any money.

6. Look for Startups Experience

Whether or not a development agency has worked with startups is something that you should take into consideration if you are a startup. Unlike traditional businesses, startups tend to have special needs when it comes to creating digital solutions.

So, the agency that you choose to work with should be well-familiar with those needs. When you work with an agency that knows how startups work, your overall experience will be much smoother.


Even though there are plenty of software development agencies, not all of them are right for your business needs. Using the tips in this post, you’ll be able to identify the agency that has the right experience to ensure your project’s success.